Born and raised in the Caribbean Twin-island of Trinidad & Tobago in pursuit of creating and adding beauty to everyone’s life, starting with the people of my home island, Trinidad.
I go by the pseudonym ‘Amit Giant’ because I’m 6 feet 5 inches tall, my aspirations are gigantic and well it’s easier to remember.
The older I get, the sweeter I become. I am plantain.
Back in 2019 when Twitter was called Twitter I tweeted a phrase, literally as I was frying plantain one day, that soon went viral and eventually international.
However, my original tweet has little to show; people cropped my credentials out and eventually, it took a life of its own.
There’s actually a small story behind this quote, which I’ll share one day.
I did not expect this of all things would go international.
Original Tweet
The older I get, the sweeter I become. I am a plantain.